Many people have asked me how easy it is to create a jQuery plugin so I thought I’d have a go at trying to explain it, I hope this makes sense.

I am presuming you know the basics about setting up jQuery on your page and how to include a javascript file.

Step 1

Firstly create a new javascript file (advanced javascript users can code this within their current javascript pattern, although advanced javascript users probably wont be reading this, am I still talking?) call the file something relevant to your plugin, in this example we will call it external.jquery.js, this file needs to be called after the jquery library file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="external.jquery.js"></script>

Step 2

No you can begin to build the plugin, within the external.jquery.js file setup the self invoking function:

    //code in here

Step 3

Now you need to add the function extension so calling your function will work, we will call our extension plugin externalLinks:

    $.fn.externalLinks = function(){
        //function routine here

Step 4

We can now add our routine to the function, this can be what ever you want to do, in our example I will check for a rel attribute with a value of external and if present then add on a target=”_blank”, obviously you can do what ever you want:

    $.fn.externalLinks = function(){
        //loop through the selected dom elements
             //find the anchors tags within
             $anchors = $(obj).find("a").get();
             $.each($anchors, function(j,ele){
                 //if external rel set target _blank
                 if (ele.rel == 'external'){
            = '_blank';

Step 5

All that’s left to do now is tell the function which elements you want to run the external links function on, to do this you need to put in a separate call using the jquery selector call shown below:


That’s it, the above snippet will run the external links function on all links with the body tag. Here is our example external links plugin.