Form validation is so important from a usability point of view, this is a form hoping to encapsulate all form elements and how we validate them on the front end to prevent an erroneous form submission, in other words getting all the information correct before sending it off. Try using the form below:

The code behind this form validation is shown below as you can see we have just a few validators but can be easily extended.

awl.validation = new (function(){
     *  Desc:   This will validate any form element with an attribute of data-rule, this can be extended to support any amount of rules you need to define.
    /* PUBLIC */
    this.init = function (){
        //onsubmit run validation
            if(!validateForm(jQuery("form *[data-rule]"),this)) {
            } else {
                alert("Success, normally we would now submit the form, as this is just a demo we wont bother.");
            //temp fix REMOVE THIS
    /* Private */
    function validateForm(fe,f) {
        //hide old errors
        var rules = 0,
        errors = {};
            var type = e.getAttribute("data-rule"),
            val = e.value;
      var aValidator = type.split("|");
      for(var i=0;i<aValidator.length;i++){
        switch(aValidator[i]) {
        case 'populated':
          if(val.trim().length) {
            //remove the rule
          } else{
            //put error in errors obj
            errors[] = 'Empty field.';
        case 'email':
          if(isEmailAddress(val)) {
           //remove the rule
          } else {
            //put error in errors obj
            errors[] = 'Invalid email format.';
        case 'num':
          if(!isNaN(val)) {
            //remove the rule
          } else {
            //put error in errors obj
            errors[] = 'Numbers only please.';

        if (rules) {
            //show errors
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    function showErrors(er,f) {
        // error message string
        var emString = '<div class="errors errors_''"><p>Oops, please fix the errors highlighted below</p></div>';

        //loop through errors and build error HTML
        var erPoints = '<ul class="errorList">';
        for (x in er) {
          erPoints += '<li><label for="'+x+'">'+er[x]+'</label></li>';
          //also flag error ele
        erPoints += '</ul>';
        //show points

    function hideErrors() {
        //hide all errors on page

    function isEmailAddress(str) {

        var pattern = /^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/;
        if(str.match(pattern)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

